On something of a whim, I've decided to go back to school and as of Tuesday next week will be taking ... Biology 1 at RCC. That's right, Biology. I haven't taken a science class in 10 years, not since Chemistry with Ms Jones my sophomore year in high school. Perhaps I've just forgotten how much pain it was.
But, my great hope is that in these past 10 years (or more accurately, the last two years of college) my study habits have improved and I will find Biology engaging, challenging, and fun. Who knows, this could awaken some heretofore hidden calling and come next year, you'll find me studying to be a doctor (like Mom always wanted). Or, alternatively, this could be a huge fiasco and for the rest of my life, every time someone mentions the subject, I'll cry a little. Most likely, it'll be somewhere in between. Either way, it's new and exciting, and still probably a terrible idea.
But, if I drop the class quick, I don't have to pay for it. Cutting and running, like the liberal I am. Oh, except for the book, I'll have to pay for that. Speaking of which, if anybody has the book pictured above, and wants to sell it cheap, let me know, as I'll be needing it come Tuesday.
Sunday night, Reina and I ended up back home around 11 pm, and then spent the next 2 hours finishing up our Kiis FM Wedding Contest application. I spent a couple hours rolling around before finally getting to sleep at three, then got up at six to drive my tired ass to Burbank and drop off the tape for the contest before the deadline. Worked the day on 3 hours, went out for dinner, and promptly passed out at 9 pm.
It is now 5:30 am and I feel great.
I have always, throughout high school, throughout college, strove for my 8 hours. Sure, there're have been times when I've had to pull an all-nighter or two, but as soon as my responsibilities were met, BAM, it was back to the full-dose of recommended down-time. Reina she gets about 6 hours, often staying up later and getting up earlier. But me, I shoot for higher.
It's gotten to the point where I haven't regularly used an alarm clock since the beginning of high school (with the exception of about a year when I was working at the coffee shop and had to wake up at the ungodly hour of 4 am on occasion). There is something about the buzzing and beeping of an alarm clock that I resent. It's so smug and demanding. But when I wake up, I wake up on my own terms.
And when I wake up, I don't feel like someone or something pushed me out into the world. I feel relaxed and at peace. The day may end up being terrible, but at least it started out right. Yesterday, I felt like crap. But I got the full complement last night and today, right now, I feel fine. Ah the glory.